
The sumo deadlift starts in a wide stance – wider than your squat stance. With a torso as upright as you can keep, reach straight down with your arms to grip the bar (arms should be fairly perpendicular to the ground). Using your glutes, drive up to a standing position. You’ll notice the bar does not come off the ground as much as a conventional deadlift, plus your range of motion is lessened. These are the two major advantages to the sumo deadlift and why many powerlifters use this instead of the conventional lift. For death by 10 meters, you will run 1 length (10m) in the first minute, then 2 lengths the second minute, then 3 minutes the third, etc. until you cannot complete the required number for that minute. Strength Sumo Deadlift 5, 5, 5 Conditioning “Death by 10 Meters”
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Find a heavy five rep front squat from the racks – then deload to a weight that’s about 60-70% of your 1RM clean. Use this weight for the metcon. These should be full cleans (squat) and the double under reps are 3x the amount of cleans. So you’ll do 7 squat cleans, then 21 double unders; 14 squat cleans, 42 double unders; and 21 squat cleans and 63 double unders. Strength Front squat 5, 5, 5 Conditioning For time: 7-14-21 full cleans, 135/95# 21-42-63 double unders
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Sports have always been a big part of Meghan’s life. A huge chunk of her childhood and high school years were spent on the basketball court, soccer or lacrosse field, or baseball diamond . There were not many sports that Meghan couldn’t pick up and excel at quickly. The thing that she absolutely loved the most was the “TEAM” aspect, the desire for a group of individuals to come together to achieve a common goal-to be better than all the rest. After years of being removed from competitive sports, Meghan felt a huge part of her missing; that competitive fire. This is what Crossfit Thermal has re-ignited in Meghan. Meghan feels like an athlete once again and it makes her feel SO ALIVE. My first crossfit experience was mediocre at best. I was going through the motions, but just didn’t feel that burning desire to get better and stronger each...
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In teams of 2: ANY style clean and jerk and snatch is allowed. You may go from the hang BUT each rep starts from the ground. Part A and Part B are scored separate. Score is total reps per workout. Split work any way you’d like. “Ginormous Grace, Skinny Izzy” Part A: AMRAP in 4 min.: Clean and jerks Rx:185/125 Scaled: 125/85 1 min rest Part B AMRAP in 4 min.: Snatches Rx: 115/75 Scaled: 75/55
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