
Get at least three sets of five heavy overhead squats from the rack. Focus on keeping the weight in the mid-foot and driving up through the heels. The metcon is a descending couplet for time of handstand push-ups and hang power snatches. The hang power snatch should start around mid-thigh and land with the bar overhead in a quarter squat position. Strength Overhead Squat 5,5,5 Conditioning 11-9-7-5-3-1: HSPUs hang power snatch, 95/65#
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Gymnastics, weightlifting, and monostructural activity. These are the three main categories that we consider while programming workouts. Today we take one from each category for a longer AMRAP. Scale muscle-ups to a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio of pull-ups/dips depending on proficiency. Some may also want to do jumping muscle-ups. Clean and jerks can be power or squat, but they should be heavy. Most people should do 20 double unders since this is an AMRAP, but possible scaling can include less reps or for true beginners, 60 single unders. AMRAP in 25 minutes: 1 muscle-up 1 clean and jerk, 225/155# 20 double unders
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For strength, you’ll do an alternating EMOM for 10 minutes (5 sets of each). Pick a bench press weight to use for all 5 sets – it should feel heavy, but very manageable for the first set since the goal is for it to make you work by the fifth set. For weighted pull-ups these should be strict. Some of you will probably need to do banded or just your bodyweight, but for those that have proficient strict pull-ups, use weights like dumbbells, kettlebells, or weight vests. For the metcon, scale HSPUs to pike box, wall walks, or stink bugs.  The walking lunges should span 5 mats lengthwise (5x6ft) while holding a 45# or 25# plate overhead. The plate must be held above head level and not rest on any body part. Strength Alternating EMOM: A.) 5×5 Bench Press B.) 5×5 Weighted Pull-Up Conditioning AMRAP in 12 minutes: 7 HSPU...
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For strength, work up to a heavy front squat – go for a max if you’re feeling good. Then for the metcon, load a bar with a moderate weight for push presses, it also should be a weight that you can do at least six reps for.  The weight  should be light for front squats.  Toes-to-bar can be scaled with less reps, knee raises, V-ups, or sit-ups.  Strength Front Squat 5, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1 Conditioning 4 rounds for time: 8 toes-to-bar 12 push presses, 115/75# 8 Front Squats 115/75#
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We’ve got a serious Hero WOD to start the year guys, scale wisely. HOT SHOTS 19 Six rounds for time of: 30 Squats 135 pound Power clean, 19 reps 7 Strict Pull-ups Run 400 meters
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