For strength, find your 5 rep max for unbroken power snatches. This means you cannot let go in between reps, but you may rest at the top or in the hang positions (not while the bar is on the ground, these should be touch and go style) Proper positions will help immensely. The metcon is a variation of “Helen” – instead of running, you’ll do 50 double unders. Scale this to a number that can be done in 1-2 minutes. Then you’ll do 21 KB swings and 12 pull-ups and repeat for a total of 3 rounds. Scale for pull-ups are usual banded pull-ups or ring rows. Strength 5RM power snatch (UB) Conditioning “Helen Will Make Ya Jump, Jump” 3 rounds for time: 50 double unders 21 KB swings, 53/35# 12 pull-ups
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