
Strength is a snatch complex: hang snatch + snatch. Both parts land in a full squat. Do one complex every minute on the minute for ten sets. You may increase the weight at any point. For the metcon, OHSs are from the ground – you may full snatch the first one to count as your first OHS. You may choose to run or row for any round; for instance you may row 250m the first round, but then run 200m the second round. Strength Hang snatch + snatch EMOM for 10 minutes Conditioning AMRAP in 16 minutes: 10 OHS, 95/65# 15 toes-to-bar 20 box jumps, 24/20″ 25 KB swings, 53/35# 250m row or 200m run
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For today, pair up in teams of 2. Your task is to complete 90 thrusters and 90 pull-ups as fast as possible with only one person working at a time. You may partition this anyway you’d like and there are many possibilities. One is to do an alternating 21-15-9 of thrusters and pull-ups while another strategy is to get all of the thrusters done first, then all pull-ups (or vice versa). The work does not have to be equal between athletes; play to each other’s strengths. Every minute on the minute, you must stop what you’re doing and do 6 burpees as a team. Again, you may partition these as necessary, so you each may do 3, or one person may do 4 while the other does 2, etc. “Fran Gone Bad” For time, in teams of 2: 90 thrusters, 95/65# 90 pull-ups EMOM 6 burpees
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For strength, you may build up in weight each set – these must be full squat clean and jerks (either power or split jerks) Record the heaviest weight achieved. The meton is a rotating station WOD, like Fight Gone Bad. You’ll start with hang power cleans and get as many reps as you can in 60 seconds. The second minute you’ll do wall-balls, third minute is shoulder to overhead, and fourth minute is weighted lunges with a KB. You may hold the KB anyway you’d like. Repeat this cycle twice more. The entire metcon should last exactly 12 minutes. Strength 1 Clean and Jerk Every 90 seconds for 10 sets Conditioning 3 rounds for total reps: Hang power cleans, 95/65# Wall balls, 20/14# Shoulder to overhead, 95/65# Weighted lunges, 53/35#
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For strength, work up to a heavy 5 rep deadlift. If you’re feeling good, go for a max, otherwise just keep it heavy. The metcon is a couplet of power snatches and ring dips. The weight should be light enough that you can string a few or do quick singles. You can scale the ring dips to box supported dips, parallette dips, or box dips.   Strength Deadlift 5-5-5 Conditioning 5 rounds for time: 5 power snatches, 115/75# 10 ring dips
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Hey P, this is Bad ass…! (Vin) <– ha! thanks (P) For today, you can think of this as a 10 minute EMOM + 10 minute EMOM + 5 minute AMRAP. The first EMOM consists of double unders and push-ups. Some of you will be proficient enough to get this work done in less than 20 seconds, others will take longer. If you find you can barely make the first minute, then scale down to an appropriate number. Same for the second EMOM of KB swings and sit-ups. At 20 minutes (20:00 exactly) you have five minutes to do as many burpees as you can. The AMRAP is over at exactly 25:00. EMOM from 0:00 to 9:00: 20 double unders 10 push-ups EMOM from 10:00-19:00: 10 KB swings, 53/35# 10 sit-ups (RX+ T2B) at 20:00, AMRAP in 5 minutes of: burpees
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