Today’s workout goes like the song “12 Days of Christmas.” You’ll probably find yourself singing to yourself as you do this workout. Start with one deadlift, then two HSPU and one deadlift. Then three box jumps, two HSPUs, and 1 deadlift, etc. down the line until you do twelve wall balls, eleven pull-ups, 10 walking lunges, down to 1 deadlift. Compare to 12/23/14. “12 Days of CrossFit Thermal” 1 Deadlift, 315/215# 2 HSPU 3 box jumps 24/20″” 4 toes to bar 5 push press, 95/65# 6 KB swings, 53/35# 7 push-ups 8 double unders 9 burpees 10 walking lunges 11 pull-ups 12 wall balls, 20/14#”
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