
Hand position in the push-up can change the emphasis of the movement. For instance, a wider placement puts more emphasis on the chest muscles while a more narrow placement puts more emphasis on the triceps. Try to find a good balance of using both muscle groups. You’ll be doing the push-ups at one end of the gym, lunge with a plate overhead and do your double unders at the other end. Then you’ll lunge back to where you started to begin the next round. The plate must be overhead either with straight or bent arms. 5 rounds for time: 20 push-ups 10m OH walking lunge, 45/25# 40 double unders 10m OH walking lunge, 45/25#
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Strength Clean pull 2, 2, 2 Metcon Tabata: Pull-ups KB swings, 55/35# V-ups Clean pulls are designed to help you feel heavier weight in your hands (hook grip of course) and work on keeping your arms loose through the first and second pulls. Get into your clean setup, sweep the knees back as you raise your shoulders and hips at the same rate, pull the bar into your lap, and extend those hips, shrugging at the top. You should try to keep the bar as close as possible and arms straight. (a clean high pull would have the arms bend, but we are not doing that today). You may either hold onto the bar and reset, but if your form is inconsistent, drop the bar and get properly setup. The metcon consists of 3 movements in Tabata fashion (20 seconds on, 10 seconds off), but you will ROTATE after each....
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For this team workout, one person will start at each station. While one athlete is rowing, the others are trying to do as many reps at their respective stations. Once the rower reaches 200m, they move on to burpee box jumps and each athlete rotates to the next station. Continue in this fashion for 14 minutes. Your total reps as a team is your score.   In teams of 4 for total reps for 14 minutes: Row 200m Burpee box jumps, 24/20″ OHS, 95/65# Shoot throughs
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At CrossFit Thermal, we’re so excited to have a growing community, and we love when we have a packed house night after night.  Sign-ups are required for all athletes coming to take CrossFit Classes.  Turning our athletes away will always be a last resort, but when safety, or coaching quality is compromised, we may have to limit the number of participants in a class.  As a general rule, classes will be capped at 15 athletes.  Please download the WODIFY app, so that you can always access our class schedule and make your reservation to come to Thermal.  Please contact us at [email protected] with any questions. Did you know you can access all archives of the workouts? The first workout appeared publicly on February 10, 2001 and our metcon today is a variation of it. ( Instead of dumbbells, we’re using barbells. Back then, no comments were on the blog,...
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If this workout looks somewhat familiar, it’s because it’s Diane with a twist: 21-15-9 of deadlifts and handstand push-ups mixed with some muscle-ups. The deadlift weight should be moderate and handstand push-up scales can include wall walks, inverted box push ups, and stink bugs. Muscle up progressions include a pull-up and dip combination. For time: 21 deadlifts, 225/155# 21 HSPU’s 9 muscle-ups 15 deadlifts 15 HSPU’s 6 muscle-ups 9 deadlifts 9 HSPU’s 3 muscle-ups
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