During “Titan” while we focus on the front squat and press, we’ll also be looking to make gains on gymnastic skills. Today we have a 3 part EMOM designed to improve mid-line strength and toes to bar, as well as keep us honest and improving on double under consistency. If you can do strict T2B well, you’ll certainly be better suited for the kipping version when we see them in workouts. For the double unders, choose a rep count that fits your ability, 20,30 or 40. If those rep counts are too high practice for :40. Skill EMOM x 9 minutes A. Strict Toes to Bar (5-10) B. Double Unders (20,30,40) C. Waiter’s Carry x 4 (55/35) Conditioning AMRAP in 10 minutes 15 Wall Balls (20/14) 10 Toes to Bar 15 Kettlebell Swings (55/35)
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