
  Get outside today for some 200M runs! In addition we’ll be working through some heavy dead lifts, push-ups and box jumps. Scale to manageable weights on the dead lifts, quick singles are acceptable, but stay tight al the way through. Once the met-con is over, let’s take some time to work on some muscle-ups. Determine where you are in your muscle up progression and focus on improvement today.AMRAP in 15 minutes AMRAP in 15 minutes 200M Run 4 Dead lifts (315/225) 8 Push-ups 12 Box Jumps (24/20) Skill Not For Time Accumulate Muscle Ups A. 30 reps B. 15 reps C. 10 reps D. Work Progressions – Ring Kip Swings – Hips to Rings – MU Transitions – Strict Pull-ups
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Ok, we’re on Day 2 of the new Titan phase and today we’ll be testing our 1RM strict press. Let’s spend some time warming up our bracing sequence and getting our shoulders ready. After the 1RM we’ve got a simple but challenging interval couplet, go all out, and record your best and worst. Titan Day 2 1RM Strict Press Conditioning 3 Intervals 15 Cal Bike 10 Burpees record your best and worst full recovery between each
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During “Titan” while we focus on the front squat and press, we’ll also be looking to make gains on gymnastic skills. Today we have a 3 part EMOM designed to improve mid-line strength and toes to bar, as well as keep us honest and improving on double under consistency. If you can do strict T2B well, you’ll certainly be better suited for the kipping version when we see them in workouts. For the double unders, choose a rep count that fits your ability, 20,30 or 40. If those rep counts are too high practice for :40. Skill EMOM x 9 minutes A. Strict Toes to Bar (5-10) B. Double Unders (20,30,40) C. Waiter’s Carry x 4 (55/35) Conditioning AMRAP in 10 minutes 15 Wall Balls (20/14) 10 Toes to Bar 15 Kettlebell Swings (55/35)
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CrossFit Thermal is happy to announce the 2017 Spring Nutrition Challenge.  This challenge will be our biggest and best challenge yet.  For the first time we are utilizing a highly structured system of accountability to ensure the success of all participants.  Additionally this challenge will be the most fun!  We’ll be doing weekly prizes and check ins to keep everyone engaged and attentive to their goals and the to challenge in general. Everyone knows that we come in to gym every day to look good and feel good, but until you really dial in your nutrition you may only be scratching the surface.  Here at Thermal we are lucky to have an expert Nutritionist on hand as well as a group of dedicated coaches to guide you along the way.   We’re looking for people who want to learn and understand nutrition and experience firsthand what you’re capable of when you’ve...
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Working in teams of 2, run through the first piece as many times as you can in 12 minutes alternating with your partner at anytime. Thurster weight should be on the heavier side since we only have 10 reps split between 2 athletes. After a brief rest, we’ll start again using simpler movements to maintain intensity. In teams of 2 (switch at will) AMRAP in 12 minutes: 30 calorie row 20 handstand push-ups 10 thrusters, (135/95) Rest 4 Minutes AMRAP in 8 Minutes 30 Calorie Row 6 Wall Walks 20 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
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