“Coop” 2/6/2017

Ryan has been involved with crossfit since 2012. His first passion from grade school was basketball and played competitively through high school. After college, Ryan took up running long distance to stay competitive and healthy but felt like he needed more of a challenge. Crossfit started to become popular locally and in 2012 he bought a Groupon for a box that just opened. “The first workout I walked into was the Filthy 50 and from that moment I was hooked.” The community is one of the reasons he keeps coming back. “Some of my closest friends are people who met through Crossfit.” Ryan also decided to take his passion for fitness by appplying it to complete his Level 1. He coached for a year at another box before landing at Crossfit Thermal. “I love helping people improve and watching them push themselves beyond their mental limits. Coaching and aeeing the progression of athletes new to Crossfit are some of my favorite memories. I’m always open to offering any helpful advice that I can to the athletes at the box.” Ryan has been a member at Thermal for almost a year and is thankful to the members and coaches for their support and friendship.


For Time

Run 400M
5 Muscle Ups
8 Clean and Jerks (135/95)

Run 200M
21 Thrusters (same bar)

Run 400M
5 Muscle Ups
8 Clean and Jerks (135/95)

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