Forge Usage – 2022

Yes, its still a thing, and yes you can still use it whenever you need to!!!

One of the things we like most about our gym is the Forge. For those of you who don’t know, the Forge is the Open Gym side of our space that functions like a catch all for everything other than the main WOD. From the beginning, even back at the old space, it was always our vision to provide members with fitness opportunities that go beyond the group CrossFit class. Way back when, it never seemed plausible that we would run short on space, but that time is here, and things are getting tight in the Forge.

What we said back in August was…

“Experienced members with Unlimited CrossFit memberships may use the Forge space during Open gym time however they see fit. This means, strength training, met-cons, mobility, or accessory training.”

Things have changed…

Starting February 1st we will begin offering open gym access as a membership add-on for all new members. If you’re reading this message – you are a current member and you will NOT be asked to pay for open gym access. Most of you stuck with us through a once in a lifetime pandemic, and many of you even froze your butts off with me at Thermal in the old space. We’ve got your back, do me favor and don’t mention it to the new folks that join in February!

As a staff we have made a promise not to put up a huge list of rules in the Forge. Do this, or don’t do that doesn’t create the vibe we’re going for around here. I know I sometimes give you evil eyes if you’re skipping the WOD to do Open gym, I’ll do my best to shut that down. However I will be asking a few things of you while you use Open gym. The following is the scope of etiquette we need our members to follow.

Keep in mind these items apply to Peak Open Gym hours from 5:30 to 7:30 M-F.

  1. Consider the hierarchy of Forge usage – Private Clients, Members following CFC custom programming, and clients in fundamentals have to be given priority of space. This is the primary function of the Forge, and if you don’t fall into these categories please be considerate of how you set-up and move around the space.
  2. Headphone Usage – When we sent out our annual survey in December, many of you noted “community” as your most valued part of the gym. Headphones in a community space are as anti-community as it gets. When in the Forge, you need to be able to communicate with coaches and others present in the Forge. Beyond that, wearing headphones suggests a “don’t talk to me” attitude , and unfortunately goes directly against our core values. We can certainly maintain the exception of when doing cardio, or when in the corner squatting etc, headphones are cool. Just do the right thing. Don’t set up a four piece WOD and rock headphones. Headphones are also “contagious” meaning when one person does it, others will, and if it becomes too much of a community killer, it will have to go away altogether.
  3. Gear – Please gather equipment before or after class. Best practice is to move with the group class and get on and off the floor as classes transition. If you’re in the Forge , stay in the Forge.
  4. Excessive Bailing – Don’t bail over the coach who is coaching class. Time your lifting so that you’re bailing when the class is bailing – not while we’re instructing.
  5. Keep your footprint reasonable. Do you need a rower , a box and a barbell? Those workouts are probably best done in group class, with everyone else! We can’t spare 800 square feet per Forge member.
  6. Pro Tip – if you hit the group workout in ADDITION to doing your Forge activities, you will almost certainly not hear from me!

Again, we love the Forge and we love how popular it has become – lets keep it a thing gang, the stuff above is easy! Be a part of the main group program, use the Forge for accessory and small stuff. That what will keep The Forge around, and open during class times. Do the workout that you found on “” on a Saturday during a dedicated hour where the entire gym is OPEN GYM!!

Thank you for understanding

CFC Staff