Join Travis Manion Foundation and various CrossFit gyms across the nation on Sunday, April 28th, 2019 for the Manion WOD as we honor 1st Lt Travis Manion and all of our nations heroes. You can officially register here for $29/person, which includes a Manion WOD t-shirt, or just show up on the day of the WOD and be a part of the cause.
Growing up in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, Travis Manion was known for his strong leadership qualities, athleticism and academic achievement.
In 2006, Travis was selected, as an experienced Iraq War veteran from 1st Recon Battalion, to become a part of a military transition team (MiTT) with 10 other Marines that would train and partner with an Iraqi Army Battalion in Fallujah, Iraq.
On April 29, 2007, 1st Lt. Travis Manion, his fellow Marines and Iraqi Army counterparts were ambushed while searching a suspected insurgent house in the Al Anbar province of Iraq. Leading the counterattack against the enemy forces, Travis was fatally wounded by an enemy sniper while aiding and drawing fire away from his wounded teammates.
Travis Manion made the ultimate sacrifice that day. His selfless actions allowed every member of his patrol to survive.
For his actions, Travis was awarded the Silver Star and Bronze Star with Valor. His legacy continues to grow through the work of TMF, inspiring people to live with character and make an impact by serving others. Travis Manion made the ultimate sacrifice that day. His selfless actions allowed every member of his patrol to survive.
We can all remember Travis by carrying on the values that defined his life.