With March being “All Things Open” here at the gym, you can expect to see fewer benchmark workouts. We don’t want coming to the gym to create anxiety or be too focused on testing. That being said, we’ve got goals for the month, here’s what you can expect.

2 CF Games Open WODs – 3/4 and 3/11
1 House Benchmark WOD – “Breaking Bad” Week of 3/7
3 Skill / Lift Tests – 3RM Back Squat, Double Unders and Strict Pull-ups
How to approach these:
For the Open WODs – show up and have fun. Most of you experienced week 1 here at the gym and you get it – work hard, have team spirit and lift up others by counting and cheering!
Our benchmark WOD “Breaking Bad” brings us back to running with some 200m runs built in. Its a good way to welcome the start of Spring – hopefully the weather feels the same way and cooperates.
Our March Lifts and Skills tests should be looked at as baselines for the entire year – don’t worry about setting a PR, just give your self a legit place to start and we’ll take care of the rest.
Lets do it!!