Ladies Night – Last Call

Calling all CFC Ladies! It’s not too late to show up for tomorrow night’s Ladies Night! The event starts at 6:30 pm and will be hosted at 818 Renel Rd in Plymouth Meeting. Just about 10 minutes from the gym. Here is a link to the flyer and all the details.
May Programming Focus
May kicks off our 5-3-1 Wendler Cycle starting with a test of our Back Squat/ Deadlift/ Push Press. We will then take those numbers and plug them into Wendler and look to make some progress in 6 short weeks! In our gymnastics, we will continue to develop our high skill pulling and pushing movements while also layering in accessory work to help improve our strength and stability! Of course, we will continue to focus on overall aerobic conditioning and keep building our engines going into the second month of this building phase.
Never Heard of “Wendler”? Read More Here
Manion – Reminder
Don’t miss Next Saturday’s Manion workout event. “Manion” will be the group workout during all regular class times on Saturday 4/29. We will offer Open Gym only from 9-10am, the Forge will otherwise be closed.
Member of the Month
In case you didn’t hear, this month, we’re honoring Chloe as our Member of the Month. You can read here story here. Be sure to come in for her custom workout on Wednesday, 4-26.
Housekeeping – Summer hours
Starting in May we will discontinue our Friday, 6:30pm CrossFit class and open gym. Utilization has been at an all-time low for that class time and it is always at its lowest as summer approaches. We will look at bringing the class back in the Fall.