“Oh Patrick”

The training aspect of playing sports growing up and through college was always the most enjoyable part of sports for me. The team oriented workouts have given me the best memories from sports. There was always a huge void in my workouts once graduating college since most of it was on my own. I had myself convinced that I was pushing it on my own. Googling workout routines or repeating old college programs, doing what I felt like that day – I had no structure to my workouts. I was always reluctant to the CrossFit world mostly from seeing the “rah-rah” aspect of it that seemed awkward and forced. I thought the heavy Olympic lifting and gymnastic movements were a sure fire way to get hurt. I wrote it off as a waste of time. This was me being a stupid meat head who was afraid to try something new. I could not have been more wrong. Thermal has been more than I could have asked for. I don’t have any other crossfit boxes to compare it to but I cannot imagine there are many like it. The people always make the place and experience in life and Thermal is a perfect testament to that. Even when Hungarter is berating and heckling me, there is no place I’d rather be training. “Community”, “camaraderie”, whatever word you want to use to describe it – it’s real. Thank you all for making Thermal the great place that it is!

“Oh Patrick”

7 Rounds For Time

100M Run

5 Power Snatches (135/95)

3 Bar Muscle Ups