When we set out to design our new logo, we wanted to make sure we captured the essence of what we do, and not just use a random image and word combination. It turns out that the professionals who actually do this stuff, are pretty awesome. They psychoanalyzed me, and asked over 20 different questions about what we do before delivering over 90 designs for me to look at. I’ve seen a ton of logos in the CrossFit space, and from other micro gyms and you can tell which owners designed them themselves, and which ones asked for help. Ever see a bulldog biting a barbell with a kettlebell for a collar? How about a silhouette of someone snatching a thousand pounds with the name written out in comic sans? Oh those are real logos, they’re out there. I wanted us to be better; here is what our logo means and where it comes from…
The words are the words, we needed “CrossFit”, and “Conshohocken” of course. The orange in this design is an ode to Thermal, and it reminds us of where we came from. The wall ball stripes in the new facility will be orange as well, linking the facility to the logo. As time goes on we can always throw different colors into the logo to create unique apparel and graphics, but this is the original. The circle behind CFC represents a complete and full workout approach. Our belief in fitness is to be complete and “full circle” as we strive to leave no aspect of training underutilized. With most other fitness methodologies there tends to be some bias, whether it leans cardio (Orange Theory) or it leans strength (Power Lifting) nothing is as “full” and “complete” as our approach.
The “CFC” letters are formed in an upside down triangle. This idea represents the flipping of the USDA food pyramid. In a time when the fitness industry reaches into the billions of dollars each year, and there are more gyms and fitness programs than ever, why are we still in an epidemic of obesity and overweight? Because as American’s we still aren’t being led down a path of health through nutrition. Without getting political or telling you how to eat, this is a subtle way of saying that the traditional “pyramid” approach just isn’t working. Our community, and our program will always reflect progressive ways to better ourselves, and our nutritional health is no exception.
The barbell…..
The barbell is the best way to get strong, period. We’ll never abandon it – ever. Every time I hear someone describe their boot-camp or gym program to me, and tell me how they do “strength” with 6 pound kettlebells and TRX straps I cringe. There is nothing wrong those pieces of equipment, and for beginners they’re pretty effective. But we are striving for more. What makes us different is that we COACH the barbell lifts. Other places keep barbells out of their program not because they’re not effective, but because they can’t be bothered to teach new folks how to use them safely. Well, that’s not us, we’re not looking for shortcuts to sales numbers, we’re looking for long term results. The barbell is tried and true, and is a cornerstone of our program that separates us from many other fitness brands.
I wanted us to have a logo that we can believe in and stand behind. I hope understanding the why gives you some insight, and a sense of pride.
Thank you