Order up some Pumpkin lattes, bust out the hoodies and get ready for a chill in the air! October is here.
Monthly Focus:
October brings us an all-new micro cycle – get hype!!!

We’ll be drilling down these next four weeks on Bench Press and Toes to Bar. With the bench press, we’ll bring a key horizontal pressing movement to the forefront. This movement transfers into push-ups, dips, and handstand work, as well as builds tremendous stability for all overhead barbell lifts. This strength element will certainly come into play in this month’s three shoulder intensive benchmarks too. Toes to bar will be our skill focus. We’ll aim to increase capacity here, as well as overall efficiency in what seems to be everyone’s favorite gymnastics move.
On Alternating Monday’s and Wednesdays in the month, we’ll be hitting the bench press. Don’t miss out, these are more than glorified pump sessions.

Bench Press – October, 3,12,17,26 and 31
Light up the abs with us on Tuesdays and Fridays for Toes to Bar skill and capacity days
Toes to Bar – October 7,11,21 and 25
Other Benchmarks for the month
Jail Break October 11th
Fury Road October 24th
Cold Shoulder October 28th
New Members:
In September we welcomed lots of new faces! Let’s say “what’s up?” to…
Bella, Phil B, Mike C, Alexis, Mike W, Melissa, and Tao.

Congratulations Zach and Sasha!

For the first time in CFC history we’re celebrating a couple as our member(s) of the month. Let’s give it up for Zach and Sasha!! Did you know that Zach and Sasha have referred more members to the gym than anyone in our history (Bet you also didn’t know that Marc Peyton is the runner up on that list)? Between seeing Sasha’s first bar muscle up last week, and watching Zach battle back from a tough injury with grit and determination, these two were an easy selection. We can’t wait to see what their custom workout turns out to be, and we’re excited to have them as Co-MOTM.
House Keeping:
Return of the 6:30pm Friday class
You guys asked for, so its back. Starting this Friday, the 7th, we’ll be offering the Friday evening 6:30pm class once again. Here at CFC part of our class offering is the positive energy of the group. If this class fails to have consistent attendance, we will be forced to discontinue it. So please sign up early and often and help us keep this class around for everyone!
We don’t wear headphones here
Headphones are for the big box gyms, and you self-selected out of that. Here at CFC, we like when members meet and become friends. Headphones send the message that you aren’t to be spoken to. This has only been happening in the Forge, but starting in October, we’ll be enforcing it. Please don’t make us say something to you. If you hate the music – send us your playlist, we’ll be happy to work it into the rotation.
Exception, you’re alone in the corner riding the bike only.
Its going to be an awesome month around here, lets crush it!