
Believe it or not, this is the second to last time we will be building on our linear progression before our retests! The bar speed may be slower and you might have to fight through these reps. If you’ve been making 5 pound jumps, you may want to feel it out and make 2.5# jumps this time. The metcon is a deconstruction of the Clean and Jerk with a gymnastic twist. Instead of a clean and jerk with only a barbell, we’ll do a barbell clean and then go “overhead” in the handstand push up. Have you ever thought that the kip in a HSPU functions the same as the dip in a jerk? We are loading the hip to explode and assist the rest of the body in movement!


3×5 Shoulder Press, add 2.5-5# to last week’s shoulder press


For time:
Power Clean, 135/95#

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1 Response
  1. Coach P

    Julia 60/5;58 65/sb
    Aoife 40/5:40 40/sb
    Tanya 40/5:50 35/sc
    Grant 145/6:41 Rx
    Molly 73.5/5:52 65/sb
    Shannon 60/6:18 60/sc
    Roni 73.5/7;17 85/sb/hs
    Nate 105/6:35 95/sb
    Danielle 60/5:50 65/ab
    Jesse 85/7:45 95/ww
    Helen 17.5/7:10 25/sc
    Rachel 67.5/7:55 75/ab
    Robin 62/7:50 70/sb
    Moog 90/8:39 108/sc
    Britt 62.5/6:06 75/sc
    Aileen 65/5:00 65/sc
    Dinger 105/5:59 bj/sc
    Wood 115/6:34 115/sc
    Ph 145/6:19 135/sc
    Dawn 55/7:30 75/sc
    Shoeless 82.5/3:20 115 pull/db scale
    John D ??
    Megs 72.5/8:29 Rx
    P 135/6:20 Rx
    Kate 85/6:36 Rx
    Siobhan 60/9:00 65/ww
    Pavan 95/7:04 95/ww
    Brian 120/7:08 Rx
    Nick 85/12:36 115/mod

    Congrats to John, Gabe, Lloyd, and Deery for competing in the snatch ladder and for Deery winning with a successful 175# snatch!