
Snatches may be full squat or power. Pick a weight where you are not doing all singles.


10 minutes to work on gymnastic skills


For time:
10 snatches, (135/95#) or 70% of 1RM
20 pull ups
8 snatches
16 pull ups
6 snatches
12 pull ups
4 snatches
8 pull ups
2 snatches
4 pull ups

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1 Response
  1. Vin

    Ditty 12:15 #/blue
    Plentus 9:29 125#
    Panos 🙂
    Megs 11:13 75#
    Cate 9:50 Rx
    O 7:05 75#
    Ph 10:26 135#
    Becca 13:51 65#
    Court 9:36 55#/band
    Jesse 12:01 75#/band
    Dinger 10:50 85#/scale
    Vinny 6:49 Rx