
Our next 6 week cycle is going to focus on two major components of CrossFit: weightlifting and pulling your bodyweight. Today we are establishing a baseline of our weightlifting total (max snatch and max clean and jerk) and the max number of pull ups we can do. Snatch and CJ should be full squat, even if it’s a lower number than your power version. We want to train the full movement and get better at it over time. Since many people still scale pull ups, we want to focus on this fundamental movement. Choose a scale that you would normally use (e.g. blue band) and determine the max amount of pull ups using that scale. Ideally it is more than a few so we can retest and see improvement. The cash out is Tabata format, but you must hold the bottom position of the squat during your “rest.” You’ll quickly realize that while 10 seconds seems fast during normal Tabatas, it seems like an eternity during bottom-to-bottom!


Find your:
1RM Snatch
1RM Clean and Jerk
Max Pull ups


 Tabata Bottom-to-Bottom Air Squats (total reps)

1 Response
  1. Vin

    Great work today guys, lots of PRs to note. Remember these numbers when we look back on them in 6 weeks!

    The results read: Pull-ups / Snatch / Clean and Jerk / Tabata Squats
    Pr = personal record

    Oleg 16/135Pr / 165 / 98
    Nate 16 / 95Pr / 135 Pr / 96
    Tanya 11 Green / 40 Pr / 55PR / 83
    Julia 8 blue / 65 / 85 / 82
    Wax 19 / x / 215 clean / 103
    KT 18 / x / 155 / 88
    Nick 21 / 115 power / 135 power / 116
    Danielle 11 Blue / 75 / 90 / 107
    Ryan 4 / 140 power / 175 power / 40
    Moog 7 purp / 115Pr / 155 Pr / 73
    Cesar 5 blue / x / 145Pr / 73
    Jesse 11 / 75 / 145Pr / 103
    Amanda 25 red / x / 115 (120 clean) / 79
    Brian 25 / 160 Pr / 195 / 97
    PH 13 blue / 160 / 195 / 91
    Bilotta 10 / 165 / 215 / 118
    Sizzle 23 / 145 / 175Pr / 76
    Ashley 12 red/ 65 / 95 Pr / 81
    Aileen 12 green / 70 Pr / 120 Pr / 99
    WW 11 / 125 / 165 / 50
    Mols 10 / 75 / 105 / 95
    Kate 22 / 130 Pr / 165 pr / 115
    Ben 10 / 105 Pr / 165Pr / 100
    Deery x / 135 / 155 / 88
    Vin 41 / x / 275 Pr / 120
    Grant 42 / 190Pr / 235 / 95
    Matt 3 / 45form / 45 form / 76
    Robin 5 blue / 65 / 105 / 81
    Russ 8 red / 95 / 135 / 77
    Pavan 15 / 85Pr / 155 Pr / 67
    Heath 23 / 75 / 115 / 101
    Dustin 20 / 135 / 185Pr / 97
    Ditty 7 red / 75 / 115 / 56
    P 38 / 165Pr / 235 / 147
    Drew 25 / 110 ugly / 160 / 76