
John Dempsey is our inspiration for the December Member WOD. John grew up in Northeast Philadelphia and rowed competitively in high school and college. In his spare time, John likes to cook, play softball, and Crossfit (of course) He also likes to hang out with family and friends, and has been happily married for over 6 years.
At CrossFit, John has been a consistently hard worker, putting in the hours to get better at the high skill movements such as double unders and snatches. His consistency and drive to get better are qualities that are hard to teach, but he is a great role model for both. Congratulations John, this recognition is well deserved!

Two-fer wall ball shots are wall ball shots with an extra squat while the ball is in mid-air. You have to be quick and keep your hands up, otherwise you’ll get a ball to the face!


15 minutes to work on rope climb and rowing technique


in 14 minutes:
row 1k
then, AMRAP in remaining time:
9 power snatches, 95/65#
10 two-fer wall ball shots, 20/14#
19 double unders

2014-09-06 CrossFit Thermal high res-3079

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2 Responses
  1. Vin

    Josh 2+16 75#
    Russ 2+7 Rx
    Brian 2+19 Rx
    L:loyd 2+16 Rx
    Drew 2+5 75#
    Pavan 2+13 sc
    Nick 3+5 75#
    Courtney 3+8 sc
    Meg 3+16 sc