
The pause snatch is a full snatch, but with a 2 second pause in the hang position after the first pull from the ground. The hang is defined as middle of the thigh. In this position, your shins should be perpendicular to the ground, knees slightly bent with tension in the hamstrings, bar pressed into the thighs, and shoulders in front of the bar. Pause for 2 seconds and then jump, bringing your hips to the bar and exploding into that second pull.
The metcon is an ascending ladder over 7 minutes. Start with 1 hang power snatch and 2 burpees, then increase the reps to 2 hps’s, and 4 burpees, continuing in this fashion for 7 minutes. Your score is the total amount of reps achieved. Remember that the snatch must start in the hang position, you may not pull directly from the ground to overhead.


5-10 minutes to work on pull up progressions


1, 1, 1, 1, 1 Pause Snatch


AMRAP in 7 minutes:
1 hang power snatches, 65-70% of pause snatch
2 burpees over bar
2 hang power snatches
4 burpees over bar
3 hang power snatches
6 burpees over bar

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1 Response
  1. Vin

    Nate 105/6+15 (75)
    Tanya 35/7+5 (15)
    Aileen 60/6+1 (55)
    K 95/7+5 (65)
    Court 35/6+10 (25)
    Grant 185/6+13 (135)
    Lloyd 135/7+1 (95)
    Molly 75/6 (55)
    Jesse did work/7 (75)
    Meghan 65/6+14 (55)
    Matt 95/6+14 (65)
    Greg 65/6+9 (45)
    Charm 35/6+12 (15)
    Mike D 135/6+7 (95)
    Matt S 65/6+12 (53)
    Shawn 125/6+16 (75)
    Ryan 95/5 (105)
    Wax 135/7 + 20 (95)
    Kate 110/6+13 (95)
    John D. 145/6+1 (95)
    Sam 105/6+12 (85)
    Frank 135/6+18 (65)
    Ben 95/7+6 (75)
    Dinger 85/6+4 (65)
    Danielle 75/6+17 (50)
    Pavan 105/7+2 (65)