Today’s WOD is an ascending ladder by 3. Complete as many reps as possible climbing as high as possible on the rep ladder until 10 minutes are up.
AMRAP in 10 Minutes
3 Thrusters (95/65)
3 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
3 Toes To Bar
6 Thrusters
6 Box Jump Overs
6 Toes to Bar
Cash Out
In teams of 2 Max tire flip complexes in 2:00 minutes.
KT 12 + 37 Rx
Grant 15 + 19 Rx
Rizzo 15 + 4 Rx
Mike 12 + 18 @75#
Kate 15 + 20 Rx
Court 12 + 12 @45#
Melinda 9 + 28 @35#/sc
Molls 15 scale
Megs 12 + 38 Rx
Becca 9 + 29 @55
Nate 12 + 14 @65#
Aileen 15 + 9 @55#
Matt 12 + 24 @65#
Aoife 12 + 31 @45#
Robin 12 + 8 @65#
Ramon 15 + 9 @55#
Britt 12 + 12 @55#