
Hang Clean, should not be a power clean, lets work on getting fast under the bar and exploding out of the hole.  Jerks can be power or split.  After 20 minutes of strength work, spend some time on muscle up technique and progressions.  If you don’t have one yet,  work on transitions, ring pull-ups and dips before we get into the metcon.  During the metcon itself, check with the coach and scale to pull-ups and dips if needed.


Take 20 minutes to find a heavy complex of 1 hang clean + 2 jerks


AMRAP in 12 minutes:
10 front rack lunges, (135/95#)
5 muscle ups
50 double unders

2 Responses
  1. Coach KT

    6 AM
    Mike 95# form / 5 +14 75#,sc
    Julia 85# / 4 + 4 75#, sc
    Aoife 45# / 6 +1 35#, sc
    Becca 85# / 4+1 35#, sc

    good work today! Julia – nice progress on the DU. keep up the practice!

  2. Coach P

    Nate 125/2+60 75#
    Molly 105/6+8 sc
    O 135/7 75 sc
    Danielle 95/6 45# sc
    Aileen 105/5+10 55# sc
    Grant 225/4+6 Rx
    Ph 175/did work
    Brian 175/4 115# sc
    Vin 255/4+15 Rx
    Robin 95/4+1- 45# sc
    Megs 115/3+17 85#
    Kate 165/3+13 Rx
    Juliet 65/4+7 sc
    Joe 145/4 125# sc
    John D 185/3+2 115# sc
    Plentus 230/4 rx
    Matt 85/4+10 85# sc
    Ramon 85/4+15 85# sc
    Shoeless 115/2+19 95# pu/rd
    Lloyd 215
    Andrew 135/2+8 120# du sc
    Josh 205/4+13 Rx
    Johnny 195/3+7 pu/rd
    Frank 150/3+12 95# pu/rd