Similar to Tuesday’s shoulder press, find 3 heavy working sets of 5 front squats (increasing weight between those working sets, but not huge jumps)
Then, you will pair up in teams of 2 for the metcon. Partner A starts the AMRAP and continues cycling through for 60 seconds. At the 1 minute mark, Partner B steps in and continues the AMRAP for 60 seconds. (note: they do not start with 10 box jump overs, they start wherever Partner A left off) Continue in this fashion (alternating 1 minute of work each) until the 12 minutes is up. Your score is total number of rounds as a team.
Box jump overs do not need full hip/knee extension on top of the box. You may jump completely over the box or pause on top and hop over.
5, 5, 5 Front Squat
AMRAP in 12 minutes in teams of 2:
8 box jump overs, 24/20″
10 hang power cleans, 105/70#
12 lateral burpees over bar
Grant 245 (7+14)
K 145
Nate 175
Dawn 115Pr
Trish form
Britt 125 Pr
Amanda 125 Pr
Sizzle 165
WW 165
Brian 175
Ross 165
P 255
Bob 175
Kate 165
Frank 205 Pr
john 205 Pr
Juliet 65
Joe 175
Matt 175 PR
Ramon 175 Pr
Aileen 130 Pr
Danielle 100 Pr
Drew 160 Pr
Deery 275 Pr
Megs 130 Pr
Molly 80