
For strength, do 7 sets of the snatch complex and add weight each time. Make sure each set is pretty, with minimal press out.
The metcon should be hard and fast. Novices should choose a lighter thruster weight and do a combination of pull ups and ring or parallette dips. Depending on your proficiency, you may do 2:1 or 3:1 ratio.

Lastly, our cash out will be banded sprints. Partner up and use a green band around the runner’s waist. Your partner will stand behind you in an athletic stance to resist you running forward. You should aim to get a lot of quick steps per mat. (at least 6 per mat) Switch off and alternate for 5 total untimed rounds.


Every 90 seconds for 7 sets:
Power snatch + snatch


For time:
Thrusters, 135/95#
Muscle ups


5 banded sprints, 4 mats

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3 Responses
  1. Coach KT

    6 AM crew

    Mike D 135#, 6:00sc 2:1
    Nate 105#, 6:50sc 3:1
    Tanya 45#, 6:00sc
    Becca 65#, 6:39sc
    Ross 125#, 6:38sc 3:1

    the early AMers want to do banded sprints more often!

  2. Coach P

    Matt S. 105/8:59 sc
    WW 105/9:20 sc
    Nick 110/7:40 sc
    P 135/5:26 sc
    Molly 85/7:41 sc
    Britt 80/8:20 sc
    Gabe 135/8:28 sc
    Bob 105/7:17 115#
    Grant 175/3:04 Rx
    Aileen 55/6:10 sc gr 2:1
    Heath 65/4:48 sc rpu
    Johnny 125/8:38 sc 3:1ish
    Frank 125/6:21 sc red 2:1

  3. Aileen

    Pavan 85 / 6:39 rr-pull up 2:1 105#
    Courtney 40 / 6:14 blue para dips 2:1 55#
    Sam 95 / 6:25 ring pu-ring dips 2:1 95#