Take 15 minutes to work on the snatch. Stay submax so you can focus on form. (Do NOT go for a new 1RM unless you are very new to the snatch). For condiitioning, snatch weight should be very manageable and for the lunges, each leg counts as 1 for the lunges (L/R = 2).
Snatch 1, 1, 1, 1
AMRAP in 15 minutes:
10 power snatches, 95/65#
10 front rack lunges, 95/65#
10 toes to bar
10 ring dips
KT 105/4+34 brd
Nate 115/3+22 75# rd sc
Gerry 135 C/J / 5 65#
Gabe 155 / 3+18 red
Trish work / 5+15 scale
Jazz 65 C/J / 7 scale
Danielle 80 PR / 5+1 55# scale
Brian 155 / 3+30 RX
Wood 145 / 3+31 95# scale
Mike 125 / 4+7 95# scale
Pavan 105 / 4+1 85# scale
Ryan 155 power / x
Joe work / 8 scale
Juliet work / 6 scale
Justice 157 / 3+30 95# scale
Matt S 65 / 3+6 65# scale
Vinny 200 / 4+36 RX
Greg 50 / 3+37 50# scale
Frank 135 / 4+22 75#
Aileen 65 / 4+21 55# scale
Molly O 45 / 4+12 45# scale
Stacey 45 / 4+13 35# scale
Meghan 70 / 4+6 55# scale
Dustin 135 / 4+5 RX
Joe 155 / 2+7 95# band
Matt C 135 / 4 75# scale
Chris K 65 / 3+25 55# scale
Deeks 155 / 4+7 RX
Robin 45 / 4+5 55# scale