
Take 15 minutes to get in 3 sets of 5 back squats, but stay below your max. This is just to get in some heavy-ish squatting after a week of longer metcons. It will also help prime your legs to make the overhead squats in the met-con feel like air (hopefully)


5, 5, 5 Back squat (sub max)



Overhead Squat 95/65#

Toes to Bar

time cap: 12 minutes

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2 Responses
  1. Coach P

    P 295/6:51 Rx
    Matt S 135/8:41 65# sc
    WW 165/8:43 75# sc
    Russ 195/8:05 75# sc
    Vinny 285/4:09 Rx
    Britt 135/8:21 sc
    Gabe 265/9:00 Rx
    Sizzle 185/9:39 Rx
    Amanda 135/8:30 mod
    Stacey 80/5:26 25# sc
    Dana 45/5:18 PVC sc
    John 225/6:05 sc
    G baby 305/3:59 Rx
    Kramer 215/7:18 75# sc
    Kate 165/5:07 Rx
    Megs 145/6:38 Rx
    Dinger 185/5:21 75# sc
    Deeks 305/6:27 Rx