
2014-01-18 CF Thermal Grand Opening high res-5691

For strength, warm up with some very light snatches, and then load the bar with a starting weight. You’ll do 2 snatches every minute on the minute for 9 sets and you will add weight each time if you choose. You may also stay at a moderate percentage and practice at the same weight.
Conditioning is something we may see in the Open in terms of format and movements. This will hopefully give you good experience with this format where it looks innocent enough, but by the round of 10’s you realize how potent it can be.


EMOM for 9 minutes: 2 snatches (may increase weight)


AMRAP in 8 minutes:
2 thrusters, 95/65#
2 chest to bar pull ups
4 thrusters
4 chest to bar pull ups
6, 6…8, 8…etc.

1 Response
  1. admin

    Tanya 40/57 45# gr
    K 95/75 75#
    KT 105/90 Rx
    Becca 45/42 60# blue
    Nate 110 power/77 75#pp pu
    Mike S 95 clean/60 65# sc
    Grant 165/124 Rx
    Dana 15 form/80 25# sc
    Erica 45/96 40# sc
    Megs 75/73 Rx
    Chris M 115/41 Rx
    Dinger 95 power/72 75# sc
    Matt C 105/70 75# sc
    MOlly V 85/70 55# pu
    Frank 115/60 sc
    John D 135/76 sc
    Heather 65/84 pu
    Dustin 120/74 Rx
    Johnny 125/84 Rx
    Molly O 50/86 40# sc
    Shoeless 125/44 Rx
    Courtney 40/70 55# sc