
Today’s Met-Con begins with the Athlete holding their jump rope with the barbell loaded to the appropriate weight. After 30 double-unders are completed the athlete will move to the barbell to perform power snatches. For the power snatch to count, the barbell will move from the ground (or below the knee if the barbell is unloaded) to the overhead position with the knees, hips and shoulders extended in one line. After the 15 reps, they will move back to the jump rope and begin the next round.


Take 15 minutes to work up to a heavy power snatch


From the 2011 and 2014 Reebok CrossFit Games Open

AMRAP in 10 minutes:
30 double unders
15 power snatches, 75/55#

2 Responses
  1. Aileen

    Mike D 175 / 5 du scale
    Megs 80 / 4+19 RX
    Vin 185 / 5+10 mod bike
    Wood 135 HPS / 4+2 RX
    Nick 115 / 4+43 RX
    Chris 125 / 3 RX
    Brian 145 / 4+39 mod row
    Grant 165 / 5+33 RX
    Aileen 75 / 4+25 RX
    Molly 85 / 4+7 RX
    Juliet 65 / 5+32 15/su
    Joe did work / 8+65 mod bike
    Kate 115 / 5+40 RX
    Justice 145 / 4+13 RX

  2. Vin

    Danielle 5+4 45/10 du
    Anthony 5+40 65/su
    Rachel 4 +23 25/10du
    Frank 4 +15 Rx
    Gabe 155/4 +41 Rx
    Amanda 85/5 +35 Rx
    Jazz 55/8 + 7 mod 7:00 min
    Gerry 105/4+31 @ 55
    O 100/5 mod row
    Dawn 75/4 +9 du/45
    Rachael 85/4+18 du scale
    Trish 60/5+2 35#
    Edgar 85/5 + 5 scale
    Lam 145/ 4 + 33 scale
    Johnny 155/4+39 Rx
    Stacey 50/4 +33 25/scaled
    Heather 85/3+22 Rx
    Pavan 135/3 +2 Rx
    Joe 150/4 Rx
    Molly O. 45/7+10 35/scale