
high res-2015-02-28-CF Thermal Open WOD 15.1-123513-IMG_9921

The shoulder press today should be considered prep work for tomorrow’s Open 15.4 WOD containing HSPU’s (Rx) or push presses (scale). Stay light if you’d like, but press up and get your head through on those reps to achieve full range of motion.
Conditioning are two couplets separated by rest: overhead squats/double unders and toes to bar/KB swings.


Shoulder Press
5, 5, 5


AMRAP in 5 minutes:
10 Overhead squat, 95/65#
30 double unders

rest 2 minutes

AMRAP in 5 minutes:
10 toes to bar
20 KB swings, 55/35#

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