Take 15-20 minutes to find a heavy, but pretty HPC+PC. Try to hold onto the bar in between reps to work grip strength, but establish a solid starting position.
Conditioning is an escalating ladder of handstand push ups and deadlifts. Scale the HSPU’s by elevating your feet on a box in a pike position, wall walks, or stink bugs. Deadlift weight should be moderately heavy, but manageable.
Take 20 minutes to find a heavy complex of:
1 Hang power clean + 1 power clean
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
2 deadlifts, 225/155#
4 deadlifts
6 deadlifts
Mike 125 / 14+5 175 SB
Atiya 70 / 10+6 75# Pu
Tanya 70 / 14+23 85/PU
Carter 185 / 14+2 225 sb
Wax 205 / 10+3 Rx
Lisa 70 / 12+26 85 PU
Becca 90 / 10+15 125/SB
Jesse 135 PR/10+20 box
Moog 175/8+1 2ab
Nate 185/10+6 box
Rachael 110/10+3 2ab
Dave 145/14 Rx
Amanda 125/14+5 pu
Ryan 195/10+14 sc
Courtney 90/10+19 sb
Robin 95/12+23 sb
Molly O 75/18+14 125# sc
Aileen 130/14+21 sb
Mike S 105/12+21 155# sb
Gabe 205/14+11 sb
PH 175/14+5 sb
Smurf 205/14 sb
Grant 225/12+22 RX
P 225/14+8 RX
Joe 155/14+10 sc
Matt C 165/12+1 sc
Juliet 85/14+6 sc
Sarah 85/16+20 sc
Andrew 95/16+10 sc
John 95/16+6 sc
Allie 45/16 sc
Kristen 45/16+1 sc
Alexandra 45/16+3 sc