
Take the beginning of class (15 minutes) to work on your handstands and handstand progressions. If you’ve never been upside down on the wall, try it! If you are proficient at HSPU’s, try deficits and handstand holds/walks.
The metcon is a chipper for time. Complete each movement before moving onto the next.


HSPU’s, handstands, handstand walks


For time:
30 ring dips
40 toes to bar
50 wall balls, 20/14#
60 KB swings, 55/35#
70 burpees

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1 Response
  1. Sarah

    Wax 20:52 Rx
    KT 17:01 – push-ups
    Tanya 19:44 scale
    K 21:01 Rx
    Carter 24:11 T2B ROM
    Roni 19:49 band/T2B scale
    Nate 23:31 Rx

    Moog 33:40 scale
    Sizzle 34:33 Rx
    Rachael 21:16 band / T2B scale
    Taylor 24:34 scale
    Danielle 20:48 band T2B
    Jesse 30:28 band / T2B scale
    Smurf 21:32 band T/B scale
    Nick 18:12 Rx
    Sejda 22:24 scale
    Kate 15:55 Rx
    Megs 20:13 Rx
    Christian 21:25 35/band
    Sarah 10:35 1/2 scaled
    Matt 27:26 band