
For the EMOM, you will switch between strict pull-ups and skater strides. If you need to scale pull-ups, use a band or do ring rows. Rx skater strides are 4ft wide (1 mat) but scale the width as needed. Your score in Wodify will be total reps for each movement.
For the metcon, you may partition it anyway that you want – like  (21-15-9) or in sets of 5, or straight through with 45 deadlifts and 45 Toes to Bar. You can change it up in the middle of the WOD as well.

EMOM for 10 minutes:
A) ME strict pull-ups in :30
B) ME skater strides in :30


For time, partition as necessary:
45 deadlifts, 225/155#
45 Toes to Bar

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