
20 Minute Cap on this Chipper. Most won’t finish this WOD, but thats ok, just see how far you can get in the alotted time. Try to mentally dial in and ignore the urge to take long breaks here, your mind wants a break, but you might not need one. Also you need air, that feeling in your chest isn’t thirst!!

Before tackling this WOD, let’s crush some weight on the bench – use spotters and find a 5RM for the day!


Bench Press
Take 20 Minutes to find a 5 rep max for the day


For Time
50 Wall Balls
40 Push-Press (75/55)
30 Jumping Lunges
20 Push-ups
10 Wall Walks
20 Push-ups
30 Jumping Lunges
40 Push Press
50 Wall Balls

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