
Use the beginning of class to use a thinner band for pull ups, get your first unassisted pull up, or even get your first muscle up!
Take the OHS’s from the ground by either snatching or cleaning it and putting it on your back to get in an OHS position. Progressions for muscle ups are pull ups and dips at either a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio. If you can do chest to bar pull ups, do them.
Cash out is a partner workout: sprint one length of the gym, do 5 burpees and sprint back. Tag your partner and they go! Do a total of 10 rounds (5 each)


10 min for pulling skill work: ring rows, pull ups, rope climbs, muscle ups


AMRAP in 10 minutes:
20 double unders
10 OHS, 115/75#
5 muscle ups

Cash Out

alternating rounds with a partner, for time:
10 rounds (total)
sprint ~40 ft. (length of gym)
5 burpees
sprint ~40 ft.

1 Response
  1. Vin

    Mike D 4+3 75#
    Tanya 5+22 25#
    Roni 4+20 scale 60#
    Jesse 5+20 scale 15#
    Nate 3+37 scale 75#
    Moog 3 scale 65#
    Ryan 3 scale 75#
    Russ 2+32 scale 75#
    Trish 4 scale 30#
    PH 4 75#
    Sizzle 3+20 scale 75#
    Gabe did work
    Gerry 4+20 75 scale
    John D 3+34 scale
    Robin 3+20 45# scale
    Matt 85 FS
    Heath 3+20 55 scale
    Megs 4+22 65#
    Dustin 4+20 95#
    Aileen 3+20
    Stacey did work
    Dinger 5+26 55#
    Matt 4+10 65#
    Edgar 5 scale
    Grant 5+ 11 Rx
    Pavan 3+ 18 65# scale
    Courtney 5+56 15 scale
    Shannon 5 scale
    Molly 6+5 scale
    Frank 3+ 35 95 scale