Strength is a complex consisting of a power clean + push press + front squat + jerk. No thrusters allowed, do each movement as intended. The jerk may be a power jerk or split jerk depending on your preference. Take 20 minutes to find the heaviest weight possible for this complex.
For conditioning, you’ll start at one end of the gym and do 25 double unders, or an appropriate scale to jump rope for about 15-25 seconds. (We recommend single unders instead of double under attempts in this case. However, if you have double-single-double-single then do those and possibly cut down the number of du’s that you do) Immediately drop the rope and do a suicide sprint. Once you get back, the next heat will go and you may rest as needed.
Power Clean + Push Press + Front Squat + Jerk
5 rounds, each round AFAP:
25 double unders
suicide sprint
rest as needed
K 125
Gerry 125
Aileen 105
Molly 115
Amanda 105
Grant 200
Lisa 65
Becca 95
Vin 225
Nick 165