
2014-09-06 CrossFit Thermal high res-3221

These workouts begin with the athlete standing under their pull-up bar with the barbell loaded to the appropriate weight. After 15 toes-to-bars (sit-ups or hanging knee raises for scaled divisions) are completed the athlete will move to the barbell to perform 10 deadlifts followed by 5 snatches. After the last snatch is completed the athlete will move back to the pull-up bar and start their next round.

Your score for Workout 15.1 will be the total number of repetitions completed.

As soon as the clock reaches 9 minutes and Workout 15.1 is complete, Workout 15.1a will begin with the same running clock. The athlete will have from 9:00 to 15:00 to complete Workout 15.1a.

The same barbell must be used for both 15.1 and 15.1a. The athlete must load their own barbell and may not receive assistance. Prior to each lift you must state what weight you are about to attempt. Plates smaller than 1⁄2 lb. may not be used. There is no limit to the number of attempts within the 6-minute time limit.

Your score for Workout 15.1a will be the weight (in pounds) that you successfully clean and jerk.

AMRAP in 9 minutes:
15 toes to bar (scaled: hanging knee raises)
10 deadlifts, 115/75# (scaled: 85/55#)
5 snatches, 115/75# (scaled: 85/55#)

6 min. to establish 1RM clean and jerk

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1 Response
  1. Vin


    We still have some results to post, and I’m sure we’ll have some re-dos as well, but here is what we have so far…

    Deeks ?
    Trish 135 / 80 scale
    Becca 26/95 Rx
    Lisa 135/75
    Ditty 69/115 rx
    Denise 129/75 sc
    Roni mrx 96/105
    Heath 117/135 rx
    Molly o 142/85 sc
    Drew 98/165 sc
    Gabe 103 225 rx
    Mike d 129/225 rx
    Sam 131/205 rx
    Aileen 180/130 sc
    Kt 137/160 pr rx
    Megs 124/122.5 pr rx
    Stacey ?
    Vin 156/250 rx
    P 149/247.5
    Matt s 146/145 sc
    Cramer 69/185 rx
    Lyon 90 / 190 rx
    Gerry ?
    Rachael 80/110 rx
    Dinger ?
    Melinda 132/65 scale
    Max effort 148/90 scale
    Dawn 145/95 scale
    Lam 97 / 175 Rx
    Britt 181 / 120 PR scale
    Hudson 87 / 225
    Frank 104 185 Rx
    D-Font 181 / 110 sc
    O 96 / 165 Rx
    Robin 175 / 105 sc
    J -Kwon 124 / 195
    Nick 86 / 165
    Sizzle 98 / 175
    G 157 / 245
    Carter ??