
Take 15-20 minutes to find a 5RM front squat – you may fail at some point, this will let you know that the previous lift was a true 5RM.
Thruster weight in conditioning should be heavy. You may not string seven in a row, but you shouldn’t have to do singles.


Take 20 minutes to find your 5 RM Front Squat


3 rounds for time:
7 thrusters, 135/95#
21 pull ups

2 Responses
  1. Aileen

    Chris F 205 PR / 7:32 115#
    Smurf 205 PR 6:17 105# jpu
    Nick 175 PR / 4:02 105#
    Carter 205 / 7:46 115#
    Sara 120 PR / 7:48 65# jpu
    Roni 120 PR 7:48 80#
    Wax 185 / 6:43 115#
    KT 165 PR / 7:39 RX
    Tanya 105 PR 6:58 50# jpu

  2. Sarah

    Rachael 120 Pr 8:35 75#
    Gerry 150 / 7:29 100#
    Danielle 110Pr /5:51 70#
    Nate 235 7:27 115#
    Britt 145 Pr 9:03 85#
    Gabe 225 8:27 115#
    Aly 115PR 8:37 65#
    Mike L 245 PR 11:03 115#
    Sizzle 185 Pr 10:42 100#
    Taylor 115 Pr 10:08 55#
    Joe 220 7:56 105
    Juliet 70 6:47 45#
    Christian 190 7:50 105 #
    Kate 175 PR 5:52 Rx
    Molly O 85×3 did work 7:02 65#
    Dustin 6:08 Rx
    Deeks 235 11:11 Rx
    Court Push Press 95×5 / 7:26 55#
    Kel 85 PR 9:19 45#
    Craig 150 Pr 10:40 85#
    Bob Bench – did work / 8:40 scale
    Pavan 150 /9:50 105#
    Russ 175 / 10:35 95#
    Deery 245 / 4:54 scale
    Drew 185 8:29 105#