Thanks for coming out to celebrate “Murph” and Memorial Day 2015…
The metcon today should be a challenge in both weight and HSPU’s. Challenge yourself to do more than you might usually do for this kind of workout.
Push Press
5, 5, 5
3 rounds for time:
10 deadlifts, 275/185#
10 deficit HSPU’s (6/4″)
Wax 165 / 12:45 Rx
Tanya 65 / 10:09 105# SB
Becca 80 / 12:21 WW / 135#
Danielle 95 Pr / 8:40 125/2 mats
PH 195 / 4:40 + extra work, 275, DB press
Wood 155 / 8:06 275 / D-push-ups
Rachael 95 / 5:42 145/2 mats
Dawn 75 / 6:10 150 / DB press
Sizzle 165 Pr / 14:29 225 1″
Dustin 170 / 14:00 275 / 3″
Taylor 85 Pr / 6:20 115 / box PU
Kate 135/12:56 Rx
G 185/12:06 Rx
Juliet 65/9:00 70# ww
Deeks 185/10:47 ab
Joe 185/12:25 205#
Robin 75/14:54 box
Aileen 85/8:05 20# db’s x2
John 135/7:34 185 ww
Deery work/5:00 sb
Heath 115/8:23 hspu
Meg 75/8:46 135 box
Bob 125 PR/7:53 205 box
Dave 155/8:34 Rx
Matt CF 155/6:17 205 box
Drew 155/8:04 245 hspu box
Ron O 95/7:36 215 box
Wax 156/12:45 RX
Tanya 65/10:09 105# sb
Becca 80/12:21 135# ww
Lisa 65/5:28 90# dbp
Britt 95/7:46 185# sb
Shabazz 85/10:25 135# ww
P 185/12:14 RX+ para
Meg’s 95/9:54 135#
Trish 80/6:53 85# abmat
Allie 85/9:17 175# HS scale
Carter 175/10:49 275# HS sc
Brian 155/9:31 245# ww