Today is the classic chipper, Filthy Fifty. Brand new members may want to scale to 35’s – don’t underestimate this workout! Time cap will be 40 minutes.
“Filthy Fifty”
For time:
50 Box jumps, 24/20″
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 53/35#
50 Walking lunges
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push presses, 45#
50 Supermans
50 Wall balls, 20/14#
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
Compare to 3/23/15
Tanya 25:48 35 reps sc
Becca 25:00 50 rep PP
Lisa P 31:52 35 rep sc
Roni 29:54 k2e sc
Sarah B 34:56 25 rep sc
Deeks 35:44 RX
Jon 34:32 sc
Mark A 26:00 WB
Ficke 36:38 RX
Nate 32:38 Rx
Sizzle 40:00 – 53 reps
Taylor 19:20 1/2 scale
Ph 30:30 scale
Sarah 19:57 scale
Rachael 29:30 kte scale
Britt 34:34 scale
O 26:50 scale
Vin 22:51 Rx
Danielle 30:12 kte scale
Kate 22:25 Rx
Josh 15:30 1/2
Murph 34:15 Rx
Megs 29:18 Rx
Andrew 25:10 scale
Mike S. 33:03
Frank 33:06 Rx
Matt C 29:45 ktw scale
Dave 37:04 scale
John 31:49 Rx
Matt S. 36:31 kte scale
Cindy 40:00
Alex 31:32 Rx
Craig 35:25 scale
Pavan 35:31 scale
Bobby G. 30:55 scale
Max Effort 36:44 kte scale
Kelli 37:35 scale
Drew 35:05 su scale