
Today’s team workout will be done in groups of 3. Athlete A will run 200m while Athlete B is doing bar muscle ups and Athlete C is doing thrusters. Once Athlete A comes in, they start on bar muscle ups, Athlete B moves to thrusters, and Athlete C goes out on the run. Rotate in this fashion for 20 minutes, accumulating as many reps of bar muscle ups and thrusters as possible. Total up your score for the final count.

To scale bar muscle ups, do either chest to bar pull ups or banded strict pull ups. To scale thrusters, simply scale the weight, but keep in mind these should be heavy.
If there is an odd number, groups of 4 are acceptable. Just have two members doing the same station at the same time and count the average number of reps for that station.

In teams of 3:
AMRAP in 20 minutes
run 200m
ME bar muscle ups
ME thrusters, 135/95#

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