Dial in hip and overhead mobility to start class today. With all this “training” going on we gotta have some fun with benchmarks too! Let’s see who can crush it and get on the board!!
The trick to Nancy is to not go so hard on the run that you need breaks on the squats, get in a groove and stay consistent.
Remember guys, Mechanics then consistency, then intensity. Proper movement patterns with light weight or PVC is better than 95/65 with bad form. Be smart and scale as needed.
Overhead Squat Primer NFT
3 Rounds of
5 Snatch Grip Push Press
3 Pause Overhead Squats
using an empty barbell
Prior to beginning WOD
demonstrate 5 perfect OHS reps
5 Rounds for time
400 M Run
15 Overhead Squats (95/65)