Today’s post-Thanksgiving Friends and Family WOD can be done by anybody of any fitness level. We can scale each movement and weight to be appropriate for anybody, so bring your friends, families, and strangers, the more people working out, the more fun it is! You’ll be able to choose your own team of 4, or we will assign teams if you’re a “free agent.” Each person on the team will start at one of these stations. As the person running finishes the 200m, they will move to the burpee station, and the person originally at the burpee station will move to the wall ball station, and the original wall ball person will move to the KB swing station, and the original KB swing person will go out for the run. You will continue in this relay fashion for a total of 15 minutes. Prior to the workout, we will go over each movement as a class to ensure everyone is on the same page. Feel free to stay around and socialize, CrossFit is all about community!
AMRAP in 15 minutes:
In teams of 4:
one person runs 200m while others are at each station, accumulating as many reps as possible:
burpees over parallette
wall balls, 20/14#
KB swings, 55/35#
“We Got Stuffed” (Mike, Melinda, Bill, Sam) – 461
“Menage a Thermal” (Megs, Dinger, Marc) – 337
“Wonder Women” (Dawn, Heather, Courtney) – 413