For strength, work up to a heavy 5 rep deadlift. If you’re feeling good, go for a max, otherwise just keep it heavy. The metcon is a couplet of power snatches and ring dips. The weight should be light enough that you can string a few or do quick singles. You can scale the ring...Read More
Hey P, this is Bad ass…! (Vin) <– ha! thanks (P) For today, you can think of this as a 10 minute EMOM + 10 minute EMOM + 5 minute AMRAP. The first EMOM consists of double unders and push-ups. Some of you will be proficient enough to get this work done in less than...Read More
Just a quick reminder about our shortened schedule this week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday – regular schedule Thursday 12/24 6am and noon only Friday 12/25 – Christmas Day – CLOSED Saturday 12/26 10:00am WOD / 11:00am Open Gym Sunday 12/27 – regular scheduleRead More
Strength is finding a two rep front squat out of the rack. Then for the metcon, you’ll have 10 minutes to row 1000 meters and then with remaining time, accumulate as many full cleans as you can. These must be full squat and stand up with hips open and bar in the front rack position....Read More
For strength, take the bar out of the rack and do a push press and then a split jerk. Your score is the highest weight you can do for that combination. Strength Push Press + Split Jerk Conditioning 3 rounds for time: 7 bar muscle-ups 400m runRead More
Today’s workout goes like the song “12 Days of Christmas.” You’ll probably find yourself singing to yourself as you do this workout. Start with one deadlift, then two HSPU and one deadlift. Then three box jumps, two HSPUs, and 1 deadlift, etc. down the line until you do twelve wall balls, eleven pull-ups, 10 walking...Read More
For strength today we’ll be doing a complex on the minute. Clean Pull + Hang Clean + Front Squat. Try not to set the bar down at all during the complex. Increase weight in between lifts if your form is solid. Record your heaviest successful lift. The conditioning is 5 sets of 250m row. Record...Read More
For beginning of class, go over the two main techniques for climbing a rope. As a test, attempt as many climbs or rope pulls as you can in one minute. For the metcon, you need to complete 75 wall balls and 50 box jumps. You may partition these as you see fit (e.g. 5 sets...Read More
Today is for you powerlifters and former globo gym goers where strict was king. Use the beginning of class to find a 2-rep bench press. The AMRAP is unique in that it has strict pull-ups. For those that use bands, it should be fairly familiar, but for those who are used to kipping and butterfly,...Read More
Just a reminder that this Saturday is Colin’s weight-lifting meet at CrossFit Generation. Colin hates the spotlight just like me so, lets make sure we have a nice crew out there to support him. If you’ve never been to a meet before, its very different than a CrossFit Competition. First off, there are only two...Read More