
The bear complex must be done for 7 complete reps without putting the bar down. You can rest overhead, at the hip or in the front or back rack, but not on the ground. Take 20 minutes and find the heaviset you can complete for a set of 7. Conditioning is a test. With a partner you have 10 minutes to put in your best effort on these 3 movements rest as needed, rotate however you’d like, but you only get one shot at each move. Your score for this will be the total reps of the 3 movements combined – your partner will have the same score since it will be your reps + his or hers. One athlete works at a time – partners count reps for each other. Strength Take 20 minutes to find the heaviest lift you can of “Bear Complex” 1 Power Clean 1 Front...
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Take the first 15 minutes of class to get in some close grip bench work. Your hands should be narrower than usual, think about being a fist distance away from your chest at the bottom of the rep. Conditioning starts with a buy in of 750 on the rower, once that’s done you have 4 rounds for time. Scale muscle-ups to C2B pull-ups or bar muscle ups if possible. Strength  Close Grip Bench Press 3×5 use up to 70% 1RM Bench Conditioning Row 750 Then 4 Rounds for Time 12 Kettlebell Swings (55/35) 9 Box Jump Overs 6 Muscle-ups
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For the complex today, focus on technique and speed under the bar. You’ll need to maintain positioning and a tight core to finish the complex with the OHS. Build up to the heaviest you can with good form in 20 minutes Convert your bar and be ready for light / moderate deadlifts in the met-con, dial in toes to bar and be ready to go on this 12 minute AMRAP Strength Take 20 minutes to find a heavy complex of Snatch Pull+Hang Snatch+ Overhead Squat (complex 40) Conditioning AMRAP in 12 minutes 9 Dead lift (185/125) 6 Burpees over Bar 9 Toes to Bar
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We’re working some stamina training into our squats today, with 6 sets of 6 across. You’ll be hitting a set every other minute so use about 50-60% of a true 1RM. If you’re sharing a rack, simply lift on opposing minutes with your partner. Conditioning work today is long body weight burner, count full rounds plus reps today and try with the goal being constant movement for 18 minutes. (no hand touch needed on sprints) Strength Back Squat Every other minute OTM x 12 6 Back Squats (50-60%) Conditioning AMRAP in 18 minutes 10 Push-ups 1 Shuttle Sprint(60ft) 10 Air Squats 1 Shuttle Sprint
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Let’s start off with some skill work in an alternating EMOM format. Don’t worry about recording numbers today for this stuff, just work to get better. Do what you can handle in about :45 to 50 seconds, and be ready to transition quickly. “GI Jane” is technically a CF benchmark WOD, although not an original CrossFit Lady WOD, it’s still a workout thats had some notoriety over the years. I’m not sure what the world record is for the WOD, but here is Greg Amundson doing it in 10:17 Skill ALT EMOM x 10 A. Rope Climbs B. Hanstand Push-ups Conditioning “GI Jane” For Time 100 Burpee Pull-ups
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