
We routinely work strength when we are fresh, today, lets flip it and see what we can do when we are tired. Hit the 5 round met-con adding 1 second to your time for each rep not completed in the 15 minute cap. Once the clock gets to 15, begin work on your 1RM OHS from the ground. Once that is complete, take a few minutes to recover and break down, then attempt one set of pull-ups. Your set is over when you come off the bar. Record your met-con time, your OHS weight and your rep count on your pull-ups. Strength & Conditioning  At 0:00 begin 5 Rounds for time 10 Kettlebell Swings (55/35) 10 Dead lifts (165/115) 3 Clean and Jerks (same bar) Time cap 15:00 min at the fifteen minute mark take 10 minutes to find a 1RM OHS from the ground Cash out  1 set ME...
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For the EMOM select where you are in terms of DU progrsssion and challenge yourself to complete these reps in just under a minute. A. Practice B. 15-25 reps C. 30-50 reps D. 50+ reps On opposing minutes you’ll be doing Toes to Bar – keep a running total. Skill Work Alternating EMOM for 10 minutes A. Double Under Work* B. ME Toes To Bar in:40 Conditioning  AMRAP in 10 Minutes 3 Hang Power Snatches (95/65) 3 Push-ups 6 Hang Power Snatch 6 Push-ups 9 and 9, 12,12, 15,15 etc…
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Take the first 15 minutes of class and let’s go for a big 2RM on the push press. Take advantage of all those cookies from the weekend and hit a big number – watch those knees though, NO REBENDS!!! For conditioning today, we’ll be working intervals. Sprint on the rower for 200M, then hit 4 moderate / heavy cleans followed by 10 blazing air squats. Take rest as needed and record your worst time. Strength Push Press 2RM Conditioning  4 Intervals rest as needed 200M Row 4 Full Cleans (185/125) 10 Air Squats
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CrossFit Thermal is pleased to announce our newest staff member; Assistant Coach Jordan Korn.  Please join me in welcoming him to the staff if you see him around the gym over the next few days.  When looking to bring on our next staff member, we wanted to find someone who will help move us in the right direction.  We wanted someone who exemplifies what CrossFit really is, someone with passion as well as the experience for the job.   I got to know Jordan while coaching the noon class over the past few months, and his dedication and ability didn’t go unnoticed.  Jordan routinely asked me for my keys so he could show up a few hours early for noon class to put in extra work.  This was the first thing that told me that he was serious about training and improving himself.  Watching him move in class, and using him...
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Just wanted to get the schedule out for this coming weekend since it New Years!!!  Don’t worry we’re not closing for the weekend, there will be plenty of chances to get in and kick off 2017 right, with CrossFit Thermal. Saturday 12/31 NYE – regular schedule, 8am Country Club, and 9 and 10am WODs Sunday 1/1 – New Years Day – 10am WOD Monday 1/2 – New Years Day Observed – 6am, noon , Women’s Self Defense at 1pm, 4:30 WOD – no 530 / 630 / 730 classes
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