
Take the first 15 minutes to work strength using the ring dip. Choose which “bucket” fits you best and move quickly to accumulate your reps taking rest as needed. If you’re working on getting to support or learning to kip, take a few moments and PRACTICE. Nothing to score here. just do work and get stronger. Conditioning is a straight forward sprint today of push jerks and front rack lunges. Go fast and hard and be sure to stand up those jerks. Strength A. Accumulate 40 strict ring dips B. Accumlate 40 scaled ring dips C. Accumulate 40 P-dips or 40 Perfect Push-ups Conditioning For time 21-15-9 Push Jerk (115/75) Front Rack Lunges Cash out Tabata Sit-ups
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For strength work today, find a heavy 2 rep hang power clean. If you’re feeling it, go for a new PR. The met-con is a partner WOD with a “You go, I go” format, get as many rounds and reps with your partner as possible in 20 minutes. Power cleans should be light enough for TNG or quick singles. Go unbroken on wall balls as long as possible – you’ve got rest coming up!   Strength 2 RM Hang Power Clean Conditioning With a Partner AMRAP in 20 minutes 5 Power Cleans (135/95) 10 Wall Balls (20/14)
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Take a few minutes to build up and prepare for the power snatch work. Power snatch weight should be about 60-75% of a true 1RM power snatch. If you don’t have one – go by feel, but you must be able to hang on for all 5 reps each set. This will tax your grip, as the opposing movement of the EMOM is strict T2B – work on building core strength here and DO NOT KIP if possible. Scales will include, kipping T2B, lying T2B, strict knee raises and sit-ups. Strength Alternating EMOM for 10 minutes A. 5 TNG Power Snatches (135/95) B. 7-10 Strict Toes to Bar Conditioning AMRAP in 14 minutes 7 Hang Power Snatches (95/65) 14 Push-ups 21 Double Unders
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Just in case this is your first Holiday Season at Thermal, I wanted to give you a glimpse into what the “12 Days of Christmas” WOD actually is. When we host the WOD on Saturday 12/24, we’ll get things going at 9am, we’ll do a group warm-up and go over movement standards and scales. The interesting part of the WOD is that it is “For Time” and needs to be completed in the format that follows the song “The 12 Days of Christmas”.  So on the 7th round, you’ll complete 7 box jumps, 6 pull-ups 5 dead lifts, etc etc, until you complete all 12.  Its a lot of fun and we’ll be blasting your favorite Holiday hits throughout the WOD, you’re welcome to bring friends, family and kiddos!! Thank you
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