
Just like last Monday will be working gymnastics for strength and skill today. To complete this as prescribed, you’ll do all 9 reps without coming off of the bar. For scaling, select 2-3 gymnastic progressions that fit into what you’re working on. Brand new athletes will do straight sets of ring rows or banded strict pull-ups. Conditioning has a buy in of a 1K row, then you’ll begin 2 rounds of squats, burpess and box jumps.   Skill Gymnastics Comlpex E:90 for 5 sets 2+3+4 Strict Pull-up, Pull-up, C2B Pull-up Conditioning  For Time Row 1K 2 Rounds of: 20 Back Squats (115/75) 20 Burpees 20 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
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With Christmas and Hanukkah coming up fast, I wanted to get out a quick post about gym hours. Friday 12/23 “Christmas Eve Eve”  Regular daytime schedule with 5:30 open gym.  There will be no 6:30pm class Saturday 12/24 “Christmas Eve”  8:00am Country Club 9:00am – 12 Days of X-Mas WOD 10:00am Open Gym Sunday 12/25 Christmas Day CLOSED Monday 12/26 (Sunday schedule) 9:00am CrossFit 10:00am CrossFit
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Use an EMOM format today to get in some strength work in on the push press. Take some time to build up at the start of class but then keep the weight consistent throughout the 10 sets. Conditioning today is a barbell mix paired with double unders in an interval format. Light weight = move fast!! Strength  EMOM x 10 Push Press x 3 using a max of 80% 1RM Conditioning  AMRAP in 3 Minutes 10 Hang Power Cleans (95/65) 20 Double Unders Rest 2 Minutes AMRAP in 3 minutes 10 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65) 20 Double Unders rest 2 minutes AMRAP in 3 Minutes 10 clean and jerks (95/65) 20 Double Unders
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Take time at the beginning of class to work on pull-up progressions and kipping skill work. Dial in your pull-ups and get better today. Strength work is built into the WOD today as you’ll be taking your front squats from the GROUND!!! Take a few minutes to build up to your front squat weight and make sure you can clean it too! Skill Pull-up progression, Kipping skill work Conditioning 5 Rounds for Time 5 Front Squats (185/125) 10 Pull-ups 5 Dead lifts (same bar) Cash out: AMRAP in 3 minutes Push-ups
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In this snake style workout, athlete 1 will row 10 calories, then move to the SDHP, athletes 2 and 3 will start behind athlete 1 and begin work as soon as the station in front of them is available. Multiple athletes may be working at the same time, but at no point will more than one athlete be working on a single movement. Once athlete 1 finishes the sit-ups they are back on the rower etc etc, completing as many FULL ROUNDS as possible. Each time all 3 teammates finish all three movements that equals 1 round. Skill Take 10 miutes and accumulate 4-7 rope climbs using the rope climb progression. If you can’t complete rope climbs yet, then use this time to practice! Conditioning In Teams of 3 Snake Style AMRAP in 20 minutes 10 Calorie Row 10 Sumo Dead lift high pulls (95/65) 15 Sit-ups
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