
Take 10 minutes at the beginning of class to build up to a heavy hang clean that you can hit for triples. You’ll be using this weight for your EMOM. This weight needs to be heavier than what you’ll use for the Met-Con, so keep that in mind.  Before the Met-con, we’ll spend some time with Bar muscle up drills, and lighten our barbell for Hang clean and jerks. Strength 6 Min EMOM , Hang Squat Clean x3 (75-85% 1RM) Conditioning  3 Rounds For Time 10 Hang Clean and Jerks 115/75 10 Front Squats (same bar) 6 Bar Muscle Ups
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  *The Bergeron Beep Test is an excellent test of CrossFit-Specific conditioning and mental fortitude. Smaller and shorter athletes, particularly those with shorter arms, have an advantage in this test. Regardless, it is one of the best tests of CF Sport Specific Conditioning and should be used as one of several tools to benchmark YOUR improvements throughout the year. Super Elite/Specialists: 20+ Games Level Athletes: 18+ Regional Level Athletes: 13+ Open Level Athletes: 9+   Strength Take 20 minutes to hit a heavy 1 rep thruster from the rack Conditioning Bergeron Beep Test EMOM for as long as possible 7 Thrusters (75/55) 7 Pull-ups 7 Burpees scale the number of reps for each movement scale by weight and pull-up scale (no bands) scale by rest period i.e – change to E:90 etc… Work with coaches to find the appropriate scale for your level.
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Take the first 20-25 minutes of class today to find a new 2 rep snatch. These should be full or “squat” snatches. If you catch your snatches high, then add an overhead squat to your lift so that you are working on getting into the hole. These do not and should not be touch and go lifts – they should be heavy enough that you need to reset. After a 24 minute WOD yesterday, we’re hitting a quick Met-Con today.  This one is a borrowed WOD from Rob Miller and our friends at CrossFit Deleware Valley, let’s see how we do!  Complete max double unders in 7 minutes, each time you take a break or trip, complete 10 push-ups. Scale the push-up number if needed. Thanks to Rob Miller and CFDV for this fun double under challenge. Strength Snatch 2RM Conditioning From CrossFit Deleware Valley AMARP in 7 minutes Double...
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We’re looking for a consistent longer effort today. 2 “engine” type movements as well as a skill movement and moderate load barbell piece. Work with coaches to scale the rep counts down as needed as you aim to complete each set in under 50 seconds. Use the beginning of class to get ready for S2O as well as dial in on muscle ups or other gymnastic scales. Score your workout with total reps with 210 being completion at RX rep counts. *note – start at any station needed for logistical purposes Alternating EMOM for 24 Minutes A. 10 Box Jump overs 24/20 B. 5 Muscle Ups C. 10 Burpees D. 10 Shoulder to Overhead (125/85)  
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For Strength today, move quickly as we’ll be finding 2 heavy front squat sets, a 5 rep max and a three rep. These may not be PR’s due to timing, but they should be heavy. The Met-con today is a longer one, at 12 minutes, so find a nice pace and keep moving. This will test your grip strength for sure between the kettle-bell and the toes to bar. Strength Take 20 minutes to build to a heavy 5 rep and a heavy 3 rep front squat for the day. Conditioning AMRAP in 12 minutes 12 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 12 Toes To Bar 1 Rope Climb
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