
Happy Birthday YO!!!! With a partner, do the following AMRAP. Each round, you add 10 reps to each movement (and 100m to each run). You can partition the work as necessary (one person working at a time inside the gym) but the run is done together. AMRAP in 30 minutes with partner: 10 wall balls, 20/14# 10 burpees 10 box jumps, 24/20″ 10 KB Sumo deadlift high-pull, 70/53# 100m run 20, 20, 20, 20, 200m…etc.
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For the EMOM, you can choose to stay at the same weight for all 10 sets or have plates nearby to add weight whenever you feel it’s appropriate. The priority is to make each complex “clean” – minimal or no pressouts. For the metcon, take about 70% of the weight from the complex and use that for overhead squats. You might be lighter or heavier depending on how your form was from the EMOM. (As a guideline, an athlete who typically Rx’s WODs would probably use 95-115 (men) or 65-75 (women) for the metcon – which means they would do around 135-165 or 95-110 for the EMOM) Start with 10 OHS and 30 double unders – you will do triple the amount of du’s eventually down to 1 OHS and 3 double unders. Strength EMOM for 10 min: Hang power snatch + hang snatch Conditioning For time: 10 OHS, 70%...
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Police Officer Arthur “Artie” Lopez, 29, of Babylon Village, New York, was killed in the line of duty on Oct. 23, 2012. Officer Lopez, a decorated eight-year veteran of the force, was serving on the Emergency Services Unit at the Nassau County Police Department at the time of his death. He kept himself in peak physical condition for the job as a member of CrossFit Merrick in Bellmore, New York. Fran and Cindy were among his favorite workouts. He is survived by his sister, Charo; and parents, Alfonso and Mirella. “Artie” AMRAP in 20 min: 5 pull-ups 10 push-ups 15 squats 5 pull-ups 10 thrusters, 95/65#
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Here at Thermal, we love giving people the opportunity to do whatever they need on each and every day.  Forcing people to do the daily WOD and running the place like a bootcamp is just bad business, and we’ll never do things that way.  If you want to skip the WOD and work in the Forge, or if you want to prep for a competition that’s fine by us.  All that we ask is that you please please, help us out with a a couple simple things. Please stay off of the main floor as much as possible.  You may feel like walking through the middle of the class to grab some bands and a KB is no big deal, and you’re right it isn’t.  But it is distracting to our coaching staff and to the members who are focusing on the workout.  Please use the perimeter of the gym...
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Intervals! Don’t just jog 200m, push that pace! Come in and do 8 burpee box jumps (do a burpee, jump on and over the box to the other side – no need to clap) Do 14 KB swings and then rest for 1 minute. Repeat for 10 rounds, but there is a 30 min. cap. The score is time, but if you have extra rounds/reps, each rep is 1 second (yes, even 200m) 10 rounds for time: sprint 200m 8 burpee box jumps, 24/20″ 14 KB swings, 53/35# rest 1 minute time cap: 30 min.
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