
We have a ton of events going on now and over the next couple months guys, get involved if you can so you can get the most out of your CrossFit Thermal experience. When:  Right now!  Right now we have members Brian H and Kelly S tackling the qualifying WODs for Wodapalooza 2017.  This is an online qualifier round of workouts which will culminate in a worldwide fitness extravaganza taking place this January in Miami.  Show them some support if you see them! When: Right now!  Coat Drive – please bring you new or gently used coats for the Winter Warm-up Project.  See Nick L if you have questions about donations When: Saturday October 29th 2016 Ghouls and Gals Partner Throwdown at CrossFit Proven.  Come out and support Coach Mooney and MK as well as Frank and Megs as they take on a fun and challenging Fall comp!  Stay in...
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Use the beginning of class to find a new 2RM front squat. After that, row 500m as a cash in and then you have an AMRAP in the remaining time of toes-to-bar and overhead walking lunges. Use a 45/25# plate and scale the weight as necessary. Back knee should kiss the ground as you do your lunges. Strength 2RM Front Squat Conditioning in 14 minutes: 500m row then, AMRAP in remaining time: 20 toes-to-bar 96 ft. OH walking lunge, 45/25#
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Spend the first part of class going over muscle-up drills – most of these can be worked on whether you have a muscle-up or not. Scaling for the WOD can be done in many different ways. For instance, someone who has muscle-ups, but is intimidated by doing 2 at a time might only do 1 at a time. Others might do 4 pull-ups (kipping or banded or ring rows) and 4 dips (or push-ups). Others might do 2 pull-ups and 2 dips. You might also scale the number of double unders, but since there is a time cap, you might also choose to work through as much as you can. 20 rounds for time: 2 muscle-ups 20 double unders 22 min. cap
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Work up in sets of 3 bench press – focus on a controlled descent and a fast return up keeping those shoulders retracted. If needed scale deadlift weight to a moderate weight – around 60%. For burpees, make sure you are perpendicular to the barbell when on the ground. This metcon is designed to be fairly quick. Bench Press 3,3,3,3 Conditioning 21-15-9: Deadlifts, 225/155# burpees facing bar
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Helen Meets Grace 3 rounds for time: 400m run 21 KB swings, 53/35# 12 pull-ups then for time: 30 clean and jerks, 135/95#
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